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Darjeeling Giddapahar Summer Chinary Black

A classic Summer Darjeeling, combining nutty-woody notes with undertones of stone fruit.


Marked by notes of chestnut, stone-fruit, cocoa with hints of burnt-wood.


Dark Amber.


A classic Darjeeling summer cup from this small, family-owned tea estate in Kurseong valley. With its bold and robust character, this tea immediately enthralls the palate with a satisfying astringent taste. Transitioning into a smooth and well-balanced cup, it creates a delightful sense of fullness.Starting with a noticeable nutty and woody essence, this distinct flavor gradually takes center stage as you savor each sip. Delicate notes of cocoa emerge, accompanied by subtle undertones reminiscent of apricot, lending a deeper and livelier character to the brew. As you relish the tea, a light nutty touch lingers, leaving behind a memorable Chinary experience that will stay with you even after the last sip.

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Assam Banaspaty Summer Black

A malty cup with fresh notes of yellow raisins & nougats, this summer harvest is a fine Indian single malt to savor.


Pronounced notes of malt, date palm, raisins with delicate candied-fruity accents


Dark Amber.


A full-bodied, robust Assam cup which beams with deletable notes of malt right from the start and hum along throughout the length of the liquor. Towards the middle, subtle sweet tones akin to yellow raisins and date palm are discernible; adding more variety and vivacious intensity to the cup. Subtle candied-fruity accents shore up towards the finish, which however ebb to finish on velvety notes of nougat; making for a distinguished experience of Assam orthdox from this Organic plantation.

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